
The Agrifood Division deals with the production of instrumentation and reagents for the chemical analysis of parameters of interest in the production chain of wine, must, oil, vinegar and dried fruit using the photometric method. Its products are primarily aimed at small and large producers, oenologists and professionals as a valuable support in the various stages of the production process.


In the oil industry and mills, the evaluation of quality parameters is becoming increasingly important. The market demands more and more products with specific quality characteristics, and knowing these allows you to get a better product.

This affects both those who sell the finished product directly and those who offer the milling/pressing service.

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Constant monitoring of the production process to produce quality wines is essential. Monitoring allows winemaking operations and interventions to be carried out in a timely manner.

For this reason, Diacron Labs offers winemakers, winemakers and wineries an innovative system dedicated to the analysis of wine and must.

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For companies producing Vinegar, particularly by the traditional Modena method, chemical determination of Total Acidity is of paramount importance during the production process.

Today’s market increasingly demands high quality standards that can only be achieved by timely control of production parameters. The system developed by Diacron enables the chemical determination of Total Acidity in a quick, simple and reliable manner.

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